Author Guidelines


1- Manuscripts must be prepared according to below-mentioned guidelines. Those that have not been accordingly prepared will not be considered for evaluation.

2- The content order of manuscripts must be as follows: Turkish title, English title, Turkish abstract and keywords, English abstract and keywords, the main text, conclusion, bibliography, and annexes (maps, figures, etc.) if any. The abstract must be 150 to 200 words long, and the manuscript must include 3 to 5 keywords.


Page Layout
a) Manuscripts must be in the Microsoft Word format and the page setup should be as follows:

Page Size: Special

Width: 13.5 cm

Height: 21 cm
Top Margin: 2 cm
Bottom Margin: 2 cm
Left Margin: 2.5 cm
Right Margin: 2 cm
Paragraph indentation: 0.5 cm
Block quotation margins (from right and left, without paragraph indentation): 1 cm
Font: Times New Roman
Font Type: Normal
Font size for the main text: 11
Font size for the abstract: 9
Font size for block quotations: 9
Font size for footnotes: 9
Paragraph spacing: before 0 pt, after 6 pt
Line spacing: 1

b) The details such as page numbers, headers, and footers must not be included in the manuscripts.

c) The Turkish title must be written in capital and bold letters, and the English title must be written in sentence case, bold, and italic. Subheadings should be written in sentence case.

d) The most recent edition of Turkish Language Association’s spelling dictionary must be used for Turkish spelling, punctuation, and abbreviations.

e) In citation, footnotes must be used. Footnotes should be given after the sentence.

f) In footnotes, follow the “Name, Surname” order. In the bibliography, follow the “Surname, Name” order. Page numbers are not needed in the bibliography, unlike the footnotes. However, for periodicals, page ranges must be given in the bibliography.


g) No comma must be placed between the date and place of publication in the manuscripts. A space must be used following characters such as full stops, commas, etc.



In footnotes
Halil İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age 1300-1600, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1973, p. 153.
Tamer Balcı, "Ottoman Balkan Heritage and the Construction of Turkish National Identity”, Journal of Ottoman Legacy Studies, Volume: 1/1, 2014, p. 65.
In bibliography
İnalcık, Halil, The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age 1300-1600, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1973.
Balcı, Tamer, "Ottoman Balkan Heritage and the Construction of Turkish National Identity”, Journal of Ottoman Legacy Studies, Volume: 1/1, 2014, pp. 60-70.
The full name of the work must be given when used for the first time in the footnote.
Halil İnalcık, The Ottoman Empire: The Classical Age 1300-1600, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London 1973, p. 153.
If the work will be used for the second time in the footnote, the first letter of the author’s name, and author’s surname is written and after that, abbreviations such as m.w. (mentioned work, italics), m.a. (mentioned article), m.t. (mentioned thesis) are used.
H. İnalcık, ibid. p. 170.
If a couple of works of same genre that belong to an author are to be used, the titles of these works must be written in short form.
T. Balcı, "Ottoman Balkan Heritage...", p. 67.
T. Balcı, "Kosovo Almanias...", p. 168.