A Message from the Head of Department
Faculty of Arts and Sciences

A Message from the Head of Department

The aim of the Department of Sociology is to educate students with analytical thinking and research skills who can combine the theory, method and application, and have a sound basis of knowledge. In line with this purpose, the Department aims to endow the students with required skills and knowledge to analyse the social processes from a critical perspective and find solutions to social problems. Besides the theoretical knowledge, students also take courses which enable them to gain experience in the fields they will use this knowledge in.

Since its start in 2011, Beykent University’s Department of Sociology (Turkish) at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences has aimed to graduate qualified students by offering an efficient undergraduate education in Sociology. Besides essentially giving the students a sociological perspective, the Department also attaches importance to students’ interdisciplinary perspective.

Some of our graduates who have recently embarked on their careers work in various fields in the private and public sector while some others proceed to pursue a postgraduate degree. The fields our graduates work include human resources, advertising, and educational institutions in the private sector, and municipalities and public schools in the public sector. Some of our graduates who are still pursuing their M.A. and PhD degrees continue their studies not only in the field of Sociology but also in other branches of Social Sciences.   

Medium of instruction at the Department of Sociology is Turkish.

Asst. Prof. Burcu Tekaüt ÇAL
Head of Department