A Message from the Head of Department
Faculty of Arts and Sciences

A Message from the Head of Department

History is the whole of the activities that were put into action by people in the past, it collects all the evidences, documents and tries to determine the truths by reaching conclusions within the framework of the value provisions of each age and region. Because it is possible to understand today only by understanding the past well. For this reason, history is an important discipline that can offer us all the materials needed to study human conditions in the past.

In our department, all the periods of our history are handled in every aspect and the place and differences of our history in the world nations community are tried to be determined. In addition, joint symposiums, conferences and excursions are organized with the History and Culture Club on various subjects.

Our students can continue their academic careers by doing master's and doctorate degrees or they can work as teachers, education consultants, researchers, editors in public institutions or private sector. In addition, they can work in various Ministries, press organizations, museums, archives and libraries. In addition to operating in the field of tourism, they can also establish Ottoman translation offices.

The education language of the history department is Turkish. English preparatory education is optional.

Assoc. Prof. Ahmet YAŞAR

Head of Department