A Message from the Head of Department
Faculty of Arts and Sciences

A Message from the Head of Department

Department of Translation and Interpreting (English) aims to raise language awareness in students who will not only be proficient in Turkish and English at linguistic, cultural and institutional levels but also regard translation as intercultural communication rather than just a linguistic activity. The programme also aims to provide students with practical experience in translating oral and written texts requiring specialized terminology and field expertise in a number of sciences and in various social sciences such as international relations, economics and law, in addition to essential knowledge in translation techniques, theory and practice.

The four-year curriculum includes skills development courses followed by courses that bring theory and practice together. Students are required to complete 15 days of internship.

Graduates are employed at various institutions such as publishing houses, translation offices, public and private institutions with international links such as ministries, universities, banks, tourism and foreign trade firms, and the media (news agencies, television channels, newspapers, etc.).

The medium of instruction in the Department of Translation and Interpreting (English) is English. The English Preparatory Programme is compulsory.

Head of Department of Translation and Interpreting (EN)


This department has been granted free access to the Memsource Academic Edition, an academic program designed for universities with translation courses.

