Career Opportunities
Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Career Opportunities

Students who have graduated from our Department with an interdisciplinary, theoretical and methodological educational background can seize several job opportunities both in public and private sectors.

Our graduates who have received the title of Sociologist can not only continue their academic career by applying to M.A. and PhD. Programmes but also, especially the students who have completed the required formation courses successfully during their undergraduate studies, can work at secondary and high schools as philosophy teachers.

Our graduates can both work at several public institutions, particularly the State Planning Organisation, Turkish Statistical Institute, Development Agencies, ministries and municipalities, social services, and at private institutions, such as NGOs, research companies, media organisations and companies, especially the industrial firms, trade companies, advertisement companies, and marketing agencies.

In addition to these domestic employment opportunities, graduates can also hold positions abroad especially at international NGOs, institutions and organisations as sociologists, researchers, consultants.